Ron is the Founder and Managing Partner of Bell Falls Search. He has nearly 20 years of proven recruiting experience, and has built and managed high performing talent acquisition teams and processes. Ron’s key differentiator is that he has been an operator of multi-million dollar business units owning P/L management responsibility. He approaches all talent acquisition demands from the viewpoint of the business owner and is not afraid to ask tough questions, often challenging his clients to rethink many conventional wisdoms of recruiting.

Robert Hatta Founder Ten-X Talent

Episode 25: Bell Falls Search Focus on Talent Podcast – Robbert Hatta, Founder Ten-X Talent

In this episode:

  • Some of Robert’s key points include:
    • The top three characteristics he looks for in recruiting start-up talent: Intentionality, Adaptability, and Consistency
    • His experiences with both serendipity and intentionality over his career journey
    • Embracing the nonlinear career path and the value it can bring to you and those you advise
    • The mission behind his new venture Ten-X Talent

Mike Linton Creator and Host CMO Confidential

Episode 24: Bell Falls Search Focus on Talent Podcast – Mike Linton – Creator and host CMO Confidential

In this episode:

  • Some of Mike’s key points include:
    • His thoughts on making deliberate career moves, taking risks, and capitalizing on serendipity
    • Two key traits that all executive marketers should possess: Point of View and Vulnerability
    • Opportunities to improve curriculum in higher education to address leadership and conflict management
    • The mission behind the CMO Confidential Podcast

Ashley Rector Founder Quimby Digital

Episode 22: Bell Falls Search Focus on Talent Podcast – Ashley Rector, Founder – Quimby Digital

In this episode:

  • Some of Ashley’s key points include:
    • Ashley comes from a family of entrepreneurs and is a successful entrepreneur several times over.
    • Ashley leads an all female marketing agency and is an advocate for female entrepreneurs.
    • She shares her secrets for winning in interviews and networking your way to “unreachable” opportunities.
    • She is a strong supporter of mental health.